Arpae stands for "Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione,l ´Ambiente e l'Energia dell´Emilia-Romagna" (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Energy in the Emilia-Romagna region, Italy). Arpae is a public institution that gives technical support to regional, district and local Authorities on environmental policy, with the following functions, activities and tasks: a) monitoring and modelling of the various environmental components; b) management and surveillance of the environmental and territorial impacts of human activities; c) activities relevant to environmental impact assessment of plans and projects; d) creation and management of the regional environmental information system; e) drafting of soil, water and air quality improvement plans; f) research relevant to the development of environmental protection issues in production cycles (Life Cycle Assessment, Best Available Techniques, etc.). Over the years, Arpae have developed high standards of technical expertize, giving rise to a number of further specialized regional thematic centers (CTRs) aiming at: a) continuous instrumental updating for the analysis and integrated interpretation of ecosystems; b) development of new methods and technological upgrading of all activities related to the monitoring of environmental components; c) centralization of analytical activities, requiring particular technologies and equipment, in specialized laboratories; d) development of the regional environmental information system in collaboration with other public institutions and authorities; e) promotion of training initiatives in order to develop environmental skills and knowledge.
Arpae collaborates with Ispra, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, the National Civil Protection System, the European Environment Agency as well as other regional Arpas and Italian, European and international institutes and research centers. In 2011 about 1000 permanent staff operate in Arpa Emilia-Romagna.
Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione,l ´Ambiente e l'Energia dell´Emilia-Romagna
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Γράφτηκε από τον/την Super User
- Κατηγορία: Partners
- Εμφανίσεις: 17900