Our school La Mar de la Frau is a General Secondary School in the coastal city of Cambrils, Tarragona. It is a touristic and enchanted city full of wonderful beaches and one hour and a half from the breathtaking city of Barcelona.
There's a teaching staff of 37 teachers and around 400 students aged 12 to 18. Our school offers a 4 four years curriculum of compulsory studies (the so called ESO) and 2 more years of post-compulsory studies (Batxillerat) which prepare students to have acces to university.
Our school is provided with white-boards in all the classrooms, an IT room and two units with netbooks for students. It has got a gym and a canteen and a very nice library, two technology rooms and one laboratory. It has also got an outdoor classroom where students grow an organic garden.
We are an INCLUSIVE SCHOOL which manifests that the difference among learners shoudn´t be an obstacle for a successful learning, therefore teachers should provide opportunities for such classroom diversity (including students with disabilities) as well as creating different ways of assessing students according to their needs. In order to attend classroom diversity our school has implemented COOPERATIVE LEARNING, where hetereogenic groups of students work together to enhance cooperation, respect, problem solving and so on.. to reach a common goal; everybody is an essencial piece to complete the puzzle.
There's a great community awaraness that education is not only a teacher's work so parents, primary schools, specific departments from the city hall, the police and even nurses work together in the education of our students.
Last year we implemented the Plurilingual Project CLIL throughout all the compulsory education where 1/3rd of specific subjects are taught in English. It involves Maths, Technology, Social and Natural Science.
Another important project is the READING project which takes a multidisciplinary approach where students must read from several subjects.
We are aslo part of a GREEN SCHOOL NETWORK with actions such as the Selective Collection of school waste to be recycled and an OUTDOOR classroom where students can experience how to grow an organic vegetable garden which includes a composting unit, fruit trees, a pond, an aromatic corner and a weather station.
The last project to mention is the Catalan Sports Program which boosts students to practise sports during the school break and to participate in other sports events from the local area.
Ins La Mar De La Frau
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